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Information Kære kolleger Bestyrelsen i Dansk GlaukomSelskab viderebringer hermed en opfordring fra Pr...
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Bestyrelsen i Dansk GlaukomSelskab viderebringer hermed en opfordring fra Præsidenten af European Glaucoma Society, om at tilmelde sig European Glaucoma Congress 2024 (red.)
The EGS 2024 meeting is approaching and will be held in Dublin on 1-4 of June. This is a biennial major Glaucoma event for Europe with global impact and provides delegates with valuable information and updates on glaucoma diagnosis and management.

The great success of the surgery day first established in the EGS Athens 2022 meeting guided us to make the decision to repeat the surgery day in the forthcoming Dublin meeting and to enrich participants' experience by adding hands-on drylabs on glaucoma surgical procedures throughout the meeting.

In addition, a very inspiring program has been put in place by our Program Planning Committee to capture all developments in glaucoma diagnosis, monitoring, medical and surgical treatment. Furthermore, an important number of courses on specific topics are organized giving the opportunity for in-depth discussions. Finally, a social program promises opportunities for networking and enjoyable stay in Dublin.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Dublin,

Fotis Topouzis

President EGS
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